Step 1 of 2: Choose a LiveIt! Service Plan
The LiveIt! Patient
Education System

Only $49/month Your LiveIt! Basic Education System includes:
32 LiveIt! Nutritional Lessons
The full suite of LiveIt! Nutritional Lessons is the foundation of your Patient Education System, guiding and inspiring your patients to build a healthy lifestyle of whole foods and whole food supplements.
Each LiveIt! Lesson is:
- Personalized with your name and office information
- Designed to stimulate patient compliance with your recommendations and referrals of their friends and family.
- Printable in PDF format for unlimited distribution in your office.
- Easily shareable through Facebook, Twitter, and Email.
LiveIt! Web Module
The LiveIt! Web Module is where you send your patients to read the LiveIt! Nutritional Lessons. They can read them at home, at work, or even in line at the bank from their mobile phones.
You can pick from two, personalized setup options:
Patients Speak Testimonial Library
We’ve gathered a library of testimonials from patients who have responded to the LiveIt! Lifestyle and made it available at your LiveIt! Web Module.
- Testimonials motivate patients to follow your recommendations.
- Patients learn from other’s success stories and gain confidence in their ability to improve their health.
- Patients are encouraged to share these stories with family and friends.
- The LiveIt! Testimonial Library is constantly growing and YOU BENEFIT!
LiveIt! Search Engine Listing
Your office information will be listed in our zip code searchable ‘LiveIt! Specialist Database’!
- Be a part of a nationwide group of health care specialists offering whole foods and whole food concentrates in their practice!
- New patients in your area will search and find your practice.
- Other LiveIt! Specialists will search the database for their patients who are moving to your area.

“ My LiveIt! Patient Education System has helped me educate my patients about the powerful, health-building effects of whole foods and whole food concentrates! My patients know what to do and how to refer! ”
Your first 1,000 Education Reminder Cards are included with SIGN UP - TODAY!

LiveIt! Education Reminder Cards make it easy to complete each patient visit with nutritional education. They’re simple to use, and very effective!
- Hand your patient a card with a LiveIt! Lesson circled to read at home.
- Your patient reads the Personalized LiveIt! Lesson at your LiveIt! Web Module.
- Staple another card to the patient’s file to track their LiveIt! Education history.